Saat masih kanak-kanak, banyak dari kita yang bercita-cita jadi dokter, insinyur, tentara, polisi, atau bahkan karena seringnya menonton film anak-anak kita bercita-cita menjadi seorang superhero entah supermen, spidermen, power-ranger dan sebagainya. Tak luput-pula ketika waktu istirahat sekolah atau sesi olahraga mencuri-curi kesempatan untuk bermain benteng-bentengan, polisi-polisian atau sekedar berkejar-kejaran.
Pada era sekarang ini banyak sekali pemainan atau game terutama yang berbasis elektronik berbau unsur kekerasan dan kejahatan semisal permainan GTA, Age of Empire, Dot-A warcraft, balapan, dan lain sebagainya. Nah game “The Police Simulator” menawarkan wahana dan kasanah baru didunia IT yang fokus pada bermain atau mensimulasikan menjadi polisi dari sudut pandang orang ketiga.
Game yang sejenis mungkin SWAT, tetapi digame ini anda tidak melakukan tembak menembak atau menembak polisi melainkan anda mengelolah kepolisian. Mungkin kalau kita bermain di SimCity, ada pihak ke-4 yang menawarkan jasa simulasi kepolisian dan di game ini anda-lah yang mengelolanya.
Pada game ini anda seakan-akan menjadi kepala polisi dan memiliki misi minggu-an sebelum pindah ke kota lain. Misi yang dibawah pastinya misi yuridis seperti memastikan keamanan, meningkatan keselamatan umum dan menjaga keseimbangan Bank. dan yang pasti misi yang usung adalah misi kebaikan banyak orang. Dan disamping itu anda juga dapat melakukan perawatan alat, pelatihan, dan mengatur polisi. Polisi disini juga manusia memiliki titik jenuh dan nilai moralitas. Pengaturan bisa dengan mengistirahatkan atau menaikkan gaji.
Game yang rilis 17 September 2010 ini menggunakan graphic 2 dimensi, tidak ada video animasi dinamis dan sangat sederhana. Kelebihan dan kekurangan game ini salah satunya juga dari kesederhanaannya. Pada game simulator kepolisian ini, tidak terdapat tutorial menjelaskan sistem managemen kepolisian secara keseluruhan tetapi dari kesederhanaan tampilan kita bisa cepat beradaptasi dengan gameplaynya. Setiap orang yang menotifikasi akan mengingatkan dan mendukung kinerja anda lebih baik. Jadi pada game ini lebih terfokus pada management Kantor Polisi seisinya.
Dalam gameplay anda akan mendapat banyak sekali bantuan yang mengingatkan dan menasehati untuk kearah kepolisian yang lebih baik. Game ini anda tidak akan menemukan sekumpulan masa yang melakukan aksi demo ke kepolisian tetapi anda bertugas mengamankan.
Yang menarik dari game ini, anda tidak hanya memperkerjakan polisi tetapi juga mendapat keuntungan dari penyidikan, detektif dan petugas penyamaran.
peta siang hari
peta malam hari
Game ini agak sunyi dan sepi, hanya bunyi backsound dan bunyi sirine. Mungkin yang berbeda disaat terjadi kejahatan ada suara backsound yang menunjukkan ketegangan. ya begitulah alur kepolisian datar dan action saat ada keadaan darurat.
Kelebihan dari game ini adalah konsep yang dibawakan anda tidak hanya mempekerjakan petugas tetapi juga anda dapat keuntungan penuh dari penyelidikan TKP, detektif dan petugas penyamaran. misalnya jika ada kemungkinan terjadi kerusuhan, kita bisa menyewakan jasa penyamaran. Yang membuat permainan lebih realita adalah jika ada penjahat yang kabur saat ditangkap. Otomatis kita harus memasang intel untuk menangkap kembali penjahat tersebut.
case info
option kendaran
Nilai Edukasi
Berikut adalah nilai edukasi yang didapat dari game The Police Simulator
Belajar mengatur keuangan suatu instansi, mengadakan pelatihan dan perawatan alat.
Belajar pengaturan massa dan penggalian inforamasi
Belajar mengatur dan menempatkan orang. menjaga moralitas dan stamina.
Game ini benar-benar mengajarkan managemen suatu kantor polisi dan anda seakan akan seperti kepala polisinya. Fungsi kenyataan atau (realitas dalam game)
Sebagaimana dalam game simulasi yang mensimulasikan kehidupan nyata, berikut ini adalah realitas yang terdapat di dalam game ini:
Berbagai jenis mobil dan helikopter, tiap jenis berdampak pada tingkat kegunaan dan perawatan
Varietas bangunan, seperti Bandara, Stadion dan kabupaten khusus, seperti industri, keuangan, kumuh dan pinggiran kota.
Berbagai jenis profesi kepolisian, polisi reguler, polisi anti huru-hara, agen CSI, detektif dan bagian penyamaran.
Harga perlengkapan berdampak pada biaya perawatan dan tingkat kegunaan.
Mengelola staff anda, membuat rencana operasional dan membeli peralatan baru.
Realitas Sebab-Akibat
Anda harus merekrut karyawan dulu sebelum menanggulangi kejahatan atau mengendarakan kendaraan.
Jika anda membiarkan moralitas dan stamina polisi turun maka kinerjanya akan berkurang.
Memberikan liburan dan kenaikan gaji akan meningkatkan moralitas dan stamina staff kepolisian
Training akan meningkatkan skill staff kepolisian
Hari / malam siklus yang berpengaruh terhadap perilaku penduduk (kepadatan trafik yang berbeda dan tingkat kejahatan berfluktuasi)
Realitas dan Kejadian Acak
Kemungkinan terjadinya kejahatan baru.
Kemungkinan terjadi zona rawan kejahatan.
Kemungkinan penjahat kabur bisa zona penangkapan jauh dari kantor polisi atau staff yang lagi bertugas memiliki moralitas dan stamina rendah.
Kemungkinan ada bank atau korporasi yang meminta jasa anda untuk investigasi atau pengamanan.
Kemungkinan meningkatan stabilitas dengan meletakkan atau membuat jalur dan jam patroli.
Realitas fisika
Realitas fisika ditemukan saat kecepatan tiap jenis kendaraan atau petugas yang patroli hanya dengan jalan kaki.
Realitas Audio Visual
Realitas desain audio, sirine, radio polisi dan kebisingan latar belakang
Proporsi ukuran alat, jalan, karakter dan bangunan sesuai realitas
Pengembang: CyberPhobX
Publisher: Excalibur Publishing
Distributor: Apex Interactive
Spesifikasi minimum game
- Athlon ® – / Pentium ® atau prosesor setara dengan 1,4 GHz,
- Windows ® XP/Vista/7
- 1 GB RAM
- 500 MB free Hard Drive Space
- 128 MB 3D graphics card
- 16-bit sound card
- DirectX 9.0c compatible hardware
- CD / DVD drive
Buat yang pingin download silahkan kick link d bawat ini..... DOWNLOAD
lagi jalan2 bareng om google.. eh tiba2 ketemu game ini.. hahaha.. dasar gilak langsung aja di buka.. buat account dengan nama FarisEnCiel ..yang penting game ini asyik aja buat dimainin.. yah saya masih kurang ngerti sih gimana cara mainnya -_-
tapi g lama kuk buwat melajarin inich game cz mudah banget cara mainnya,,,klo ente2 udah ngerti game yang namanya worm ato tank cannon,pasti ente2 nudag banget buwat maenin game inich juga,,,
hhahaha langsung ajha lah gw suguhin buat ente2 yang udah pada penasaran buat nyoba'in game inich,,,
moga ajah kita ktemu
Langsung di TKP,,, Click disini.. guwa tunggu loe..!!
Sedikit pengalaman yang saya lakukan untuk men coba cara terbaru membobol akun facebook orang dengan cara termudah membobol facebook orang 2010 tanpa menggunakan software, tapi cukup menggunakan notepad untuk membobol facebook orang dengan cara meminta replace password kepada admin facebook, bahkan ini bisa dibilang cara terbaru dan termudah membobol facebook 2010 dan ternyata 99% berhasil.
Seperti biasa.. artikel ini akan sangat menarik untuk di baca, jadi siapkan dulu camilan dan secangkir teh hangat.. silahkan meneruskan membacanya
Dalam hack facebook ini kita akan mengirimkan email ke dengan format email seperti ini.
Dear admin
My account has been use by another person,
please replace with my new Password: ••••••••••••
Old email:
Or send password to my new account:
Cara ini selalu berhasil. Tapi memang mesti nunggu dulu, alasannya mungkin yang minta juga banyak, tapi saya ada link admin facebook indonesia, paling lama 24 jam kita sudah bisa mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan.. alamat emailnya apa,, mmm nanti saya kasih tau di tengah artikel, makanya baca dulu artikel ini semuanya..
berikut saya kasih tau caranya step by step
Pertama ketik dulu text berikut
Jika anda males menulisnya, anda bisa mendonloadnya disini
Sekarang buka hackerfacebook.txt
Wah bagi yang baru di bidang IT pasti pusing nih bacanya. Ga usah bingung kita langsung to the point aja.
Tulisan yang berwarna merah harus anda ganti
Sekarang tekan ctrl + h nanti akan muncul gambar seperti ini.
Ini fungsinya untuk mengganti data yang kita butuhkan.
Sekarang kita ganti dulu email target yang ingin kita hacker. Cari tulisan old_email
Tulis pada kolom Find What: old_email
Tulis pada kolom Replace with:
Kemudian klik replace..
Jika keluar gambar seperti ini
itu berarti bagian yang berkedip untuk menulis berada di bawah teks yang di cari. Pindahkan dulu ke paling atas..
Langkah selanjutnya, lakukan hal yang sama untuk new_email.. nah new email adalah alamat login facebook anda, tujuannya adalah balasan dari admin akan dituju ke alamat anda (nanti periksa di inbox FB anda). So new_email ganti dengan alamat email anda
Tulis pada kolom find what: new_email
Tulis pada kolom replace with:
Yang berikutnya adalah permintaan penggantian password yang digunakan oleh target anda saat ini dengan password Login facebook anda. Disini harus ada kesamaan antara yang anda ganti dengan password anda sekarang. (pengalaman saya menuliskan password asal, malah tidak bisa masuk ke FB asli kita)
Ctrl + h lagi,
tulis pada kolom Find what: protect_me
tulis pada kolom Replace: password_anda
sekarang aksi yang terakhir adalah mengirimkan tulisan script yang telah kita rubah tadi. Caranya tekan ctrl + a, kemudian Ctrl + C
selanjutnya anda login facebook seperti biasa.
lalu pilih kirim email.
subjek: replace my password
isinya tekan Ctrl + V
kemudian kirim.. tunngu deh balasan dari admin, anda harus sabar bisa nunggu berjam jam, berhari hari, bahkan berminggu minggu. tapi pasti di kirim ko.
klo saya sih suka ngirim ke dewisitimauludi tapi alamat emailnya lupa cari aja deh pilih yg ke dua. dia memiliki beberapa akun, yang pertama penuh jadi sekarang jarang merespon, kalian pasti tidak akan menyangka, dia adalah admin untuk indonesia.. kirim juga dengan format yang sama..
Buka Rahasia… yang sudah saya hack. tapi sekarang udah saya kasih lagi.. bagi saya ga perlu akun itu semua, cuma sebatas ingin mencoba ilmu baru aja..
Hahahaha sudah puaskah anda sudah mengtahui salah satu dari berbagai banyak untuk meng-hack fb orang laen, tapi sebelumnya saya berharap banget saya sampeyan2 yang baca inich,,,,
pliiiiiis jgn pkk buat ngrugi'in or gannggu orang laen yah,,,,,
soale DOSA,,,
karena yang ngasih info saya, yg kenak Dosa jg saya broww,,,,mbaak,,,,
Ok lah saya pikir anda2 inich sudah bisa berfikir secara dewasa,,,
hehe,,,,,,met mencoba
Kamis, 15 September 2011
Top 5 My Games Strategy
5. World In Conflict
World in Conflict does not offer base-building or resource gathering. Instead, players are given a pre-determined amount of in-game reinforcement points to buy units. When a player buys a unit, the reinforcements points are subtracted from the point bank and the units are airdropped to the field, with a 20-second wait for the units to arrive. When a unit is destroyed, the points that had been used to purchase it are slowly filtered back to the player: thus reinforcements can be summoned back into the fray. Tactical gameplay lacking base and unit building is similar to real-time tactics (RTT) games, some of which feature intermittent reinforcements. Another example of the genre is Ground Control by Massive Entertainment, sometimes considered World in Conflict's spiritual predecessor. In fact, the game's designers considered the game to be an RTT, though the game is generally marketed as RTS.
World in Conflict contains three main factions: the United States, Soviet Union & NATO, all playable in multiplayer games. However, only the US and NATO are the available factions in the single-player campaign. They are pitted against the Soviet Union throughout the story as well as in online play.
The player may choose one of four roles in battle: infantry, air, support or armor. The infantry role gives access to various infantry squads such as anti-tank teams, snipers, and light transport vehicles whereas armor allows players to use various classes of tanks, the dominant direct fire land combat unit of the game. Players choosing the air role have access to anti-armor, air superiority, scout and transport helicopters. Finally, the support role contains anti-air, artillery, and repair units. Each role's basic units can be purchased by everyone but are more expensive for players with a different role. In addition, each role has its own exclusive units, that aren't available for purchase from other roles.
The game relies heavily on teamplay, for example, a lone armor player can be easily defeated by an air player, whereas an air player would be ineffective if friendly armor players have effective anti-air. This heavy reliance on teamplay has been met with some criticism by players since inexperienced players that do not teamplay can potentially spoil a match. The most prominent forms of this is support players only using heavy artillery and not using anti-air and repair units, leaving armor players exposed to enemy helicopters. The higher importance of armor than artillery, and the weakening of artillery's attack power by patches has added to the problem.
Most units have special offensive and defensive abilities that recharge after use. For example, standard infantry has the offensive grenade launcher attack and are capable of a defensive sprinting maneuver. World in Conflict uses a tactical aid system similar to that of Command & Conquer: Generals. Tactical Aids allow the player to perform special actions such as calling in airstrikes, deploying paratroopers, and to launch carpet bombing raids.
4. Civilization IV
Diplomacyin Civilization generally involves the trading of goods. Specific technologies are required to trade different commodities (for instance, a civilization must possess the technology of paper to trade world maps). Players may trade technologies, resources, maps and gold. Advanced diplomacy options include the creation of trade embargoes, the promise of military aid, and the adoption of particular civics and religions. Finally, the United Nations wonder allows the passing of global resolutions (Such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) in addition to granting access to the diplomatic victory.
CombatInstead of receiving generic increases in rank as in Civilization 3, the player is allowed to "promote" units with upgrades that provide bonuses in certain situations (For example +25% city defense, or +25% vs. melee units.) There are 41 different types of combat promotions. It is also possible for players to examine "combat odds" before attacking, giving the player an idea as to whether a given attack will succeed or not. In addition, units in the game can be upgraded by spending a certain amount of money, and different nations have their own unique units. Leader traits can also play a part in warfare, for example a leader with the "Aggressive" trait receives melee and gunpowder land units with the promotion "Combat I" right away.
3. Company Of Heroes
The resource management in Company of Heroes retains micromanagement details such as reinforcing troops, which has the effect of creating a more tactical RTS experience.Players must take control of certain points on the map. The more of these points a player controls, the more resources they acquire. This concept demands constant expansion of a player's territory. These points are connected like supply lines, and so, during the course of a battle a player can capture one point in the supply line, isolating the rest which had been connected to the base through it, therefore reducing the enemy's resource intake. Units can occupy a civilian building and convert it into a field barracks, allowing certain units or squads to be created by that building, thus allowing a forward unit production and reinforcement point. Medic stations can also be built on the field to house medics, who can recover fallen soldiers from the battlefield and return them to the medic station. When enough soldiers are recovered by medics (4 for Germans and 6 for American), the medic station will provide a free squad at no expense of manpower.
Infantry units can also occupy buildings and use them as cover or a garrison to protect against attack, but this limits their firing range because the infantry are a stationary, immobile target, rendering them vulnerable to sniper fire and easy to surround. Combat includes controllable units that are recruited and ordered directly by the player (through the user interface at player-controlled buildings, or through a doctrine ability), as well as activated support actions, such as artillery bombardment or aircover suppression. Every controllable unit type, whether infantry or vehicle, has an associated construction cost and recruitment time, as well as a range of fighting abilities.
2. Medieval Total War 2
A group of English knights attacking French dismounted feudal knightsSimilar to previous titles of the Total War series, the game consists of two modes of play: battles and single-player campaign. Battles can be played in multiplayer, in user-defined scenarios, or in historical scenarios which simulate real battles such as the Battle of Arsuf or the Battle of Agincourt. Battles are also featured in the campaign.
The campaign allows the player to assume control of a faction of the time period, and build a civilization, both economically and militarily in order to conquer other factions. Gameplay consists of controlling the faction's military, economic, and social systems in large campaign maps. During the player's turn, armies, fleets, and agents can be moved on the map. When an army engages another army, the player can choose to fight the battle personally in the battle mode, or automatically calculate the outcome.
The goal of the campaign depends on which type of campaign is played. The short campaign requires the player to defeat one or two enemy factions (for example, Holy Roman Empire must defeat its historical enemies Milan and Denmark) and control at least 15 settlements. The long campaign requires the player to control at least 45 territories and one or two significant cities, which are faction specific, such as Jerusalem, Granada, Rome or Constantinople.
Once the game is completed on any difficulty, the player may begin a new Grand Campaign as any faction with the exception of the Papal States, Mongols, Timurids, Aztecs (only encountered in the New World in the late period) or Rebels.
Each faction controls a number of settlements, and must conquer others in order to continue growing. Unlike previous Total War titles, there are two kinds of settlements, each with different advantages and disadvantages: cities and castles. Castles have better defensive capabilities and have access to a larger selection of professional soldiers, but generate less income, cannot train as many priests as cities, and have no access to higher civilian technologies. Cities generate much larger income and are technological centres of a faction, but are more difficult to defend and only have access to militia troops, which are generally inferior to those trained at castles except for a select few unique units. A small quantity of militia troops, stationed in the city where they have been trained, can be kept for free, without upkeep cost, otherwise required to be paid every turn for every army unit. Players may convert a settlement to a different type, although larger cities may not be converted into castles. Castles also need less population to be upgraded.
As in other Total War games, in each settlement the faction may construct a number of buildings, each with different functions, such as training troops, upgrading weapons and armour, expanding the economy, increasing the settlement's defences or strengthening religion. A new feature of Medieval II is the ability to build guild halls. A given settlement may only have a single guild hall, although there are several different types. The guild hall provides certain bonuses such as increased movement for troops, better weapons, or better agents; some even grant access to new units, such as the ahistoric yet effective unit of "Sherwood Archers" available to England upon construction and subsequent upgrade of a Woodsmens' Guild. Guild halls may also be later upgraded to a "Master Guild Hall", which may provide a larger bonus or even grant a bonus to all of the faction's settlements while still retaining a more notable bonus in the city the structure is built, and then possibly upgraded to the "Guild Headquarters", which provides the greatest bonuses, although each guild can have only one headquarters anywhere in the world at the given time, and each faction can only construct one Master Guild Hall of each guild in their empire. It is possible however, to capture a city with an existing Master Guild Hall of a certain type, and have two of one kind.
One of the main focuses on the Total War franchise is its incorporation of battle within the greater sphere of gameplay. A battle consists of two or more factions' armies fighting each other. Battles play similar to those in Rome: Total War, with formations of various kinds of troops fighting. The objective of the battle is to defeat the enemy army by completely destroying it or causing the whole army to flee; in a siege battle, the objective is to completely destroy the army or to take control of a plaza in the center of the settlement. There is also an option which allows the player to allow for time limits on battles, meaning that the attacker must defeat the defender within a certain time limit (determined by the computer) or the battle results in a victory for the defender.
Unlike in previous Total War titles, a new system of modelling troops on the battlefield has been introduced. Each soldier has a varying number of elements to him, such as arms, legs, body armour, shield heraldry, and so forth; each element has a varying number of styles. When a battle is entered, the computer randomly selects elements for each soldier in the unit, thereby making each soldier look different from the soldiers around him. This can lead to some errors though, for example a general's bodyguard of the Holy Roman Empire can be portrayed with a shield with an English or Byzantine twist upon it. Upgrades to a unit's armour are also depicted - a unit of unarmored spearmen upgraded to have leather armour will be depicted wearing it. Another departure from earlier Total War games is that combat is depicted more realistically, with soldiers performing motion-captured attacks - rather than one or two standard attacks - utilising their shields, parrying blows and delivering killing strikes to downed foes, all based on the weapon they are using and the weapon of their opponent. Blood can also be seen on the uniforms of soldiers who have been fighting and a mist of blood will be visible on soldiers hit by arrows. The amount of detail in the fight sequences can be turned up or down along with the other video options in the main menu. A player can also have up to 4800 (huge units option) troops in their army.
1.Rome Total War
The player takes a role equivalent to the head of one the three great Roman houses at the time; the Julii, Brutii, and Scipii. Each of these factions has a set of attributes, initial objectives, and a few initial provinces under control. Control of a province is given to the faction whose army is occupying the province's city. The ultimate goal is to become emperor by conquering 50 provinces, gaining support from the people, before capturing Rome itself. Cities have a variety of buildings which may be built or upgraded, such as: temples, aqueducts and amphitheatres which increase the people's general happiness and wellbeing; markets and academies which respectively increase the city's financial contribution and likelihood of producing effective family members (see below); walls which make the city more resistant to assault by enemy armies; and barracks, archery ranges and stables which unlock new military units which may be trained in the city. The player's empire is expanded by training armies in friendly cities and using them to assault and occupy enemy cities (native mercenary units may also be hired by a family member outside a city). Controlling more cities brings benefits in its increased geographical dominance and increased income from the new population's taxes. However, more space and more population become increasingly difficult to control, due to local populaces being resistant to foreign rule, and the increased distance reinforcements have to travel. If a city's inhabitants are overtaxed, underdeveloped or unprotected, they rebel and become in effect their own faction - the player's control of the city is lost, garrisoned units are forced out of the city, and a hostile rebel army is formed in its place.
When the player's army meets an enemy army, a 3D real-time tactical battle is started, which represents the other half of gameplay in Rome: Total War. The strategic and tactical modes integrate such that the landscape for the battles is the same as seen on that particular spot on the strategic map where the armies meet; for example, if the strategic map is hilly, and covered in snow, the battle map will attempt to reflect that. The game features a variety of units which are used in battle (most of which are unique to each faction), which may be broadly categorised into infantry, cavalry, archers, and artillery units. Each unit has optimal styles of use, opposing units against which it is vulnerable or effective, formation settings, defensive and offensive hit points, and arguably the critical component - morale. If a unit's morale drops too low, it becomes uncontrollable, and its soldiers will attempt to flee from the battlefield.The morale of a unit may be influenced by factors such as its terrain elevation relative to the enemy, proximity to the army's general, command experience of the army's general, soldiers' level of fatigue, intimidation by the enemy army, or level of combat experience. Players may attempt to flank an enemy's units, focus their attacks on the enemy general, conserve energy by walking rather than running their units, or switch their archers to using the slower but more intimidating flaming arrows - all as techniques to gain the morale advantage over the enemy.
Each unit has a certain distance it can travel on the campaign map in one turn, with cavalry able to travel the farthest, and cumbersome artillery pieces having the most limited movement distance. Movement is increased depending on the type of terrain being traversed, the type of roads present, and, at times, the attributes of the commanding general.
Saat masih kanak-kanak, banyak dari kita yang bercita-cita jadi dokter, insinyur, tentara, polisi, atau bahkan karena seringnya menonton film anak-anak kita bercita-cita menjadi seorang superhero entah supermen, spidermen, power-ranger dan sebagainya. Tak luput-pula ketika waktu istirahat sekolah atau sesi olahraga mencuri-curi kesempatan untuk bermain benteng-bentengan, polisi-polisian atau sekedar berkejar-kejaran.
Pada era sekarang ini banyak sekali pemainan atau game terutama yang berbasis elektronik berbau unsur kekerasan dan kejahatan semisal permainan GTA, Age of Empire, Dot-A warcraft, balapan, dan lain sebagainya. Nah game “The Police Simulator” menawarkan wahana dan kasanah baru didunia IT yang fokus pada bermain atau mensimulasikan menjadi polisi dari sudut pandang orang ketiga.
Game yang sejenis mungkin SWAT, tetapi digame ini anda tidak melakukan tembak menembak atau menembak polisi melainkan anda mengelolah kepolisian. Mungkin kalau kita bermain di SimCity, ada pihak ke-4 yang menawarkan jasa simulasi kepolisian dan di game ini anda-lah yang mengelolanya.
Pada game ini anda seakan-akan menjadi kepala polisi dan memiliki misi minggu-an sebelum pindah ke kota lain. Misi yang dibawah pastinya misi yuridis seperti memastikan keamanan, meningkatan keselamatan umum dan menjaga keseimbangan Bank. dan yang pasti misi yang usung adalah misi kebaikan banyak orang. Dan disamping itu anda juga dapat melakukan perawatan alat, pelatihan, dan mengatur polisi. Polisi disini juga manusia memiliki titik jenuh dan nilai moralitas. Pengaturan bisa dengan mengistirahatkan atau menaikkan gaji.
Game yang rilis 17 September 2010 ini menggunakan graphic 2 dimensi, tidak ada video animasi dinamis dan sangat sederhana. Kelebihan dan kekurangan game ini salah satunya juga dari kesederhanaannya. Pada game simulator kepolisian ini, tidak terdapat tutorial menjelaskan sistem managemen kepolisian secara keseluruhan tetapi dari kesederhanaan tampilan kita bisa cepat beradaptasi dengan gameplaynya. Setiap orang yang menotifikasi akan mengingatkan dan mendukung kinerja anda lebih baik. Jadi pada game ini lebih terfokus pada management Kantor Polisi seisinya.
Dalam gameplay anda akan mendapat banyak sekali bantuan yang mengingatkan dan menasehati untuk kearah kepolisian yang lebih baik. Game ini anda tidak akan menemukan sekumpulan masa yang melakukan aksi demo ke kepolisian tetapi anda bertugas mengamankan.
Yang menarik dari game ini, anda tidak hanya memperkerjakan polisi tetapi juga mendapat keuntungan dari penyidikan, detektif dan petugas penyamaran.
peta siang hari
peta malam hari
Game ini agak sunyi dan sepi, hanya bunyi backsound dan bunyi sirine. Mungkin yang berbeda disaat terjadi kejahatan ada suara backsound yang menunjukkan ketegangan. ya begitulah alur kepolisian datar dan action saat ada keadaan darurat.
Kelebihan dari game ini adalah konsep yang dibawakan anda tidak hanya mempekerjakan petugas tetapi juga anda dapat keuntungan penuh dari penyelidikan TKP, detektif dan petugas penyamaran. misalnya jika ada kemungkinan terjadi kerusuhan, kita bisa menyewakan jasa penyamaran. Yang membuat permainan lebih realita adalah jika ada penjahat yang kabur saat ditangkap. Otomatis kita harus memasang intel untuk menangkap kembali penjahat tersebut.
case info
option kendaran
Nilai Edukasi
Berikut adalah nilai edukasi yang didapat dari game The Police Simulator
Belajar mengatur keuangan suatu instansi, mengadakan pelatihan dan perawatan alat.
Belajar pengaturan massa dan penggalian inforamasi
Belajar mengatur dan menempatkan orang. menjaga moralitas dan stamina.
Game ini benar-benar mengajarkan managemen suatu kantor polisi dan anda seakan akan seperti kepala polisinya. Fungsi kenyataan atau (realitas dalam game)
Sebagaimana dalam game simulasi yang mensimulasikan kehidupan nyata, berikut ini adalah realitas yang terdapat di dalam game ini:
Berbagai jenis mobil dan helikopter, tiap jenis berdampak pada tingkat kegunaan dan perawatan
Varietas bangunan, seperti Bandara, Stadion dan kabupaten khusus, seperti industri, keuangan, kumuh dan pinggiran kota.
Berbagai jenis profesi kepolisian, polisi reguler, polisi anti huru-hara, agen CSI, detektif dan bagian penyamaran.
Harga perlengkapan berdampak pada biaya perawatan dan tingkat kegunaan.
Mengelola staff anda, membuat rencana operasional dan membeli peralatan baru.
Realitas Sebab-Akibat
Anda harus merekrut karyawan dulu sebelum menanggulangi kejahatan atau mengendarakan kendaraan.
Jika anda membiarkan moralitas dan stamina polisi turun maka kinerjanya akan berkurang.
Memberikan liburan dan kenaikan gaji akan meningkatkan moralitas dan stamina staff kepolisian
Training akan meningkatkan skill staff kepolisian
Hari / malam siklus yang berpengaruh terhadap perilaku penduduk (kepadatan trafik yang berbeda dan tingkat kejahatan berfluktuasi)
Realitas dan Kejadian Acak
Kemungkinan terjadinya kejahatan baru.
Kemungkinan terjadi zona rawan kejahatan.
Kemungkinan penjahat kabur bisa zona penangkapan jauh dari kantor polisi atau staff yang lagi bertugas memiliki moralitas dan stamina rendah.
Kemungkinan ada bank atau korporasi yang meminta jasa anda untuk investigasi atau pengamanan.
Kemungkinan meningkatan stabilitas dengan meletakkan atau membuat jalur dan jam patroli.
Realitas fisika
Realitas fisika ditemukan saat kecepatan tiap jenis kendaraan atau petugas yang patroli hanya dengan jalan kaki.
Realitas Audio Visual
Realitas desain audio, sirine, radio polisi dan kebisingan latar belakang
Proporsi ukuran alat, jalan, karakter dan bangunan sesuai realitas
Pengembang: CyberPhobX
Publisher: Excalibur Publishing
Distributor: Apex Interactive
Spesifikasi minimum game
- Athlon ® – / Pentium ® atau prosesor setara dengan 1,4 GHz,
- Windows ® XP/Vista/7
- 1 GB RAM
- 500 MB free Hard Drive Space
- 128 MB 3D graphics card
- 16-bit sound card
- DirectX 9.0c compatible hardware
- CD / DVD drive
Buat yang pingin download silahkan kick link d bawat ini..... DOWNLOAD
lagi jalan2 bareng om google.. eh tiba2 ketemu game ini.. hahaha.. dasar gilak langsung aja di buka.. buat account dengan nama FarisEnCiel ..yang penting game ini asyik aja buat dimainin.. yah saya masih kurang ngerti sih gimana cara mainnya -_-
tapi g lama kuk buwat melajarin inich game cz mudah banget cara mainnya,,,klo ente2 udah ngerti game yang namanya worm ato tank cannon,pasti ente2 nudag banget buwat maenin game inich juga,,,
hhahaha langsung ajha lah gw suguhin buat ente2 yang udah pada penasaran buat nyoba'in game inich,,,
moga ajah kita ktemu
Langsung di TKP,,, Click disini.. guwa tunggu loe..!!
Sedikit pengalaman yang saya lakukan untuk men coba cara terbaru membobol akun facebook orang dengan cara termudah membobol facebook orang 2010 tanpa menggunakan software, tapi cukup menggunakan notepad untuk membobol facebook orang dengan cara meminta replace password kepada admin facebook, bahkan ini bisa dibilang cara terbaru dan termudah membobol facebook 2010 dan ternyata 99% berhasil.
Seperti biasa.. artikel ini akan sangat menarik untuk di baca, jadi siapkan dulu camilan dan secangkir teh hangat.. silahkan meneruskan membacanya
Dalam hack facebook ini kita akan mengirimkan email ke dengan format email seperti ini.
Dear admin
My account has been use by another person,
please replace with my new Password: ••••••••••••
Old email:
Or send password to my new account:
Cara ini selalu berhasil. Tapi memang mesti nunggu dulu, alasannya mungkin yang minta juga banyak, tapi saya ada link admin facebook indonesia, paling lama 24 jam kita sudah bisa mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan.. alamat emailnya apa,, mmm nanti saya kasih tau di tengah artikel, makanya baca dulu artikel ini semuanya..
berikut saya kasih tau caranya step by step
Pertama ketik dulu text berikut
Jika anda males menulisnya, anda bisa mendonloadnya disini
Sekarang buka hackerfacebook.txt
Wah bagi yang baru di bidang IT pasti pusing nih bacanya. Ga usah bingung kita langsung to the point aja.
Tulisan yang berwarna merah harus anda ganti
Sekarang tekan ctrl + h nanti akan muncul gambar seperti ini.
Ini fungsinya untuk mengganti data yang kita butuhkan.
Sekarang kita ganti dulu email target yang ingin kita hacker. Cari tulisan old_email
Tulis pada kolom Find What: old_email
Tulis pada kolom Replace with:
Kemudian klik replace..
Jika keluar gambar seperti ini
itu berarti bagian yang berkedip untuk menulis berada di bawah teks yang di cari. Pindahkan dulu ke paling atas..
Langkah selanjutnya, lakukan hal yang sama untuk new_email.. nah new email adalah alamat login facebook anda, tujuannya adalah balasan dari admin akan dituju ke alamat anda (nanti periksa di inbox FB anda). So new_email ganti dengan alamat email anda
Tulis pada kolom find what: new_email
Tulis pada kolom replace with:
Yang berikutnya adalah permintaan penggantian password yang digunakan oleh target anda saat ini dengan password Login facebook anda. Disini harus ada kesamaan antara yang anda ganti dengan password anda sekarang. (pengalaman saya menuliskan password asal, malah tidak bisa masuk ke FB asli kita)
Ctrl + h lagi,
tulis pada kolom Find what: protect_me
tulis pada kolom Replace: password_anda
sekarang aksi yang terakhir adalah mengirimkan tulisan script yang telah kita rubah tadi. Caranya tekan ctrl + a, kemudian Ctrl + C
selanjutnya anda login facebook seperti biasa.
lalu pilih kirim email.
subjek: replace my password
isinya tekan Ctrl + V
kemudian kirim.. tunngu deh balasan dari admin, anda harus sabar bisa nunggu berjam jam, berhari hari, bahkan berminggu minggu. tapi pasti di kirim ko.
klo saya sih suka ngirim ke dewisitimauludi tapi alamat emailnya lupa cari aja deh pilih yg ke dua. dia memiliki beberapa akun, yang pertama penuh jadi sekarang jarang merespon, kalian pasti tidak akan menyangka, dia adalah admin untuk indonesia.. kirim juga dengan format yang sama..
Buka Rahasia… yang sudah saya hack. tapi sekarang udah saya kasih lagi.. bagi saya ga perlu akun itu semua, cuma sebatas ingin mencoba ilmu baru aja..
Hahahaha sudah puaskah anda sudah mengtahui salah satu dari berbagai banyak untuk meng-hack fb orang laen, tapi sebelumnya saya berharap banget saya sampeyan2 yang baca inich,,,,
pliiiiiis jgn pkk buat ngrugi'in or gannggu orang laen yah,,,,,
soale DOSA,,,
karena yang ngasih info saya, yg kenak Dosa jg saya broww,,,,mbaak,,,,
Ok lah saya pikir anda2 inich sudah bisa berfikir secara dewasa,,,
hehe,,,,,,met mencoba
Kamis, 15 September 2011
Top 5 My Games Strategy
5. World In Conflict
World in Conflict does not offer base-building or resource gathering. Instead, players are given a pre-determined amount of in-game reinforcement points to buy units. When a player buys a unit, the reinforcements points are subtracted from the point bank and the units are airdropped to the field, with a 20-second wait for the units to arrive. When a unit is destroyed, the points that had been used to purchase it are slowly filtered back to the player: thus reinforcements can be summoned back into the fray. Tactical gameplay lacking base and unit building is similar to real-time tactics (RTT) games, some of which feature intermittent reinforcements. Another example of the genre is Ground Control by Massive Entertainment, sometimes considered World in Conflict's spiritual predecessor. In fact, the game's designers considered the game to be an RTT, though the game is generally marketed as RTS.
World in Conflict contains three main factions: the United States, Soviet Union & NATO, all playable in multiplayer games. However, only the US and NATO are the available factions in the single-player campaign. They are pitted against the Soviet Union throughout the story as well as in online play.
The player may choose one of four roles in battle: infantry, air, support or armor. The infantry role gives access to various infantry squads such as anti-tank teams, snipers, and light transport vehicles whereas armor allows players to use various classes of tanks, the dominant direct fire land combat unit of the game. Players choosing the air role have access to anti-armor, air superiority, scout and transport helicopters. Finally, the support role contains anti-air, artillery, and repair units. Each role's basic units can be purchased by everyone but are more expensive for players with a different role. In addition, each role has its own exclusive units, that aren't available for purchase from other roles.
The game relies heavily on teamplay, for example, a lone armor player can be easily defeated by an air player, whereas an air player would be ineffective if friendly armor players have effective anti-air. This heavy reliance on teamplay has been met with some criticism by players since inexperienced players that do not teamplay can potentially spoil a match. The most prominent forms of this is support players only using heavy artillery and not using anti-air and repair units, leaving armor players exposed to enemy helicopters. The higher importance of armor than artillery, and the weakening of artillery's attack power by patches has added to the problem.
Most units have special offensive and defensive abilities that recharge after use. For example, standard infantry has the offensive grenade launcher attack and are capable of a defensive sprinting maneuver. World in Conflict uses a tactical aid system similar to that of Command & Conquer: Generals. Tactical Aids allow the player to perform special actions such as calling in airstrikes, deploying paratroopers, and to launch carpet bombing raids.
4. Civilization IV
Diplomacyin Civilization generally involves the trading of goods. Specific technologies are required to trade different commodities (for instance, a civilization must possess the technology of paper to trade world maps). Players may trade technologies, resources, maps and gold. Advanced diplomacy options include the creation of trade embargoes, the promise of military aid, and the adoption of particular civics and religions. Finally, the United Nations wonder allows the passing of global resolutions (Such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) in addition to granting access to the diplomatic victory.
CombatInstead of receiving generic increases in rank as in Civilization 3, the player is allowed to "promote" units with upgrades that provide bonuses in certain situations (For example +25% city defense, or +25% vs. melee units.) There are 41 different types of combat promotions. It is also possible for players to examine "combat odds" before attacking, giving the player an idea as to whether a given attack will succeed or not. In addition, units in the game can be upgraded by spending a certain amount of money, and different nations have their own unique units. Leader traits can also play a part in warfare, for example a leader with the "Aggressive" trait receives melee and gunpowder land units with the promotion "Combat I" right away.
3. Company Of Heroes
The resource management in Company of Heroes retains micromanagement details such as reinforcing troops, which has the effect of creating a more tactical RTS experience.Players must take control of certain points on the map. The more of these points a player controls, the more resources they acquire. This concept demands constant expansion of a player's territory. These points are connected like supply lines, and so, during the course of a battle a player can capture one point in the supply line, isolating the rest which had been connected to the base through it, therefore reducing the enemy's resource intake. Units can occupy a civilian building and convert it into a field barracks, allowing certain units or squads to be created by that building, thus allowing a forward unit production and reinforcement point. Medic stations can also be built on the field to house medics, who can recover fallen soldiers from the battlefield and return them to the medic station. When enough soldiers are recovered by medics (4 for Germans and 6 for American), the medic station will provide a free squad at no expense of manpower.
Infantry units can also occupy buildings and use them as cover or a garrison to protect against attack, but this limits their firing range because the infantry are a stationary, immobile target, rendering them vulnerable to sniper fire and easy to surround. Combat includes controllable units that are recruited and ordered directly by the player (through the user interface at player-controlled buildings, or through a doctrine ability), as well as activated support actions, such as artillery bombardment or aircover suppression. Every controllable unit type, whether infantry or vehicle, has an associated construction cost and recruitment time, as well as a range of fighting abilities.
2. Medieval Total War 2
A group of English knights attacking French dismounted feudal knightsSimilar to previous titles of the Total War series, the game consists of two modes of play: battles and single-player campaign. Battles can be played in multiplayer, in user-defined scenarios, or in historical scenarios which simulate real battles such as the Battle of Arsuf or the Battle of Agincourt. Battles are also featured in the campaign.
The campaign allows the player to assume control of a faction of the time period, and build a civilization, both economically and militarily in order to conquer other factions. Gameplay consists of controlling the faction's military, economic, and social systems in large campaign maps. During the player's turn, armies, fleets, and agents can be moved on the map. When an army engages another army, the player can choose to fight the battle personally in the battle mode, or automatically calculate the outcome.
The goal of the campaign depends on which type of campaign is played. The short campaign requires the player to defeat one or two enemy factions (for example, Holy Roman Empire must defeat its historical enemies Milan and Denmark) and control at least 15 settlements. The long campaign requires the player to control at least 45 territories and one or two significant cities, which are faction specific, such as Jerusalem, Granada, Rome or Constantinople.
Once the game is completed on any difficulty, the player may begin a new Grand Campaign as any faction with the exception of the Papal States, Mongols, Timurids, Aztecs (only encountered in the New World in the late period) or Rebels.
Each faction controls a number of settlements, and must conquer others in order to continue growing. Unlike previous Total War titles, there are two kinds of settlements, each with different advantages and disadvantages: cities and castles. Castles have better defensive capabilities and have access to a larger selection of professional soldiers, but generate less income, cannot train as many priests as cities, and have no access to higher civilian technologies. Cities generate much larger income and are technological centres of a faction, but are more difficult to defend and only have access to militia troops, which are generally inferior to those trained at castles except for a select few unique units. A small quantity of militia troops, stationed in the city where they have been trained, can be kept for free, without upkeep cost, otherwise required to be paid every turn for every army unit. Players may convert a settlement to a different type, although larger cities may not be converted into castles. Castles also need less population to be upgraded.
As in other Total War games, in each settlement the faction may construct a number of buildings, each with different functions, such as training troops, upgrading weapons and armour, expanding the economy, increasing the settlement's defences or strengthening religion. A new feature of Medieval II is the ability to build guild halls. A given settlement may only have a single guild hall, although there are several different types. The guild hall provides certain bonuses such as increased movement for troops, better weapons, or better agents; some even grant access to new units, such as the ahistoric yet effective unit of "Sherwood Archers" available to England upon construction and subsequent upgrade of a Woodsmens' Guild. Guild halls may also be later upgraded to a "Master Guild Hall", which may provide a larger bonus or even grant a bonus to all of the faction's settlements while still retaining a more notable bonus in the city the structure is built, and then possibly upgraded to the "Guild Headquarters", which provides the greatest bonuses, although each guild can have only one headquarters anywhere in the world at the given time, and each faction can only construct one Master Guild Hall of each guild in their empire. It is possible however, to capture a city with an existing Master Guild Hall of a certain type, and have two of one kind.
One of the main focuses on the Total War franchise is its incorporation of battle within the greater sphere of gameplay. A battle consists of two or more factions' armies fighting each other. Battles play similar to those in Rome: Total War, with formations of various kinds of troops fighting. The objective of the battle is to defeat the enemy army by completely destroying it or causing the whole army to flee; in a siege battle, the objective is to completely destroy the army or to take control of a plaza in the center of the settlement. There is also an option which allows the player to allow for time limits on battles, meaning that the attacker must defeat the defender within a certain time limit (determined by the computer) or the battle results in a victory for the defender.
Unlike in previous Total War titles, a new system of modelling troops on the battlefield has been introduced. Each soldier has a varying number of elements to him, such as arms, legs, body armour, shield heraldry, and so forth; each element has a varying number of styles. When a battle is entered, the computer randomly selects elements for each soldier in the unit, thereby making each soldier look different from the soldiers around him. This can lead to some errors though, for example a general's bodyguard of the Holy Roman Empire can be portrayed with a shield with an English or Byzantine twist upon it. Upgrades to a unit's armour are also depicted - a unit of unarmored spearmen upgraded to have leather armour will be depicted wearing it. Another departure from earlier Total War games is that combat is depicted more realistically, with soldiers performing motion-captured attacks - rather than one or two standard attacks - utilising their shields, parrying blows and delivering killing strikes to downed foes, all based on the weapon they are using and the weapon of their opponent. Blood can also be seen on the uniforms of soldiers who have been fighting and a mist of blood will be visible on soldiers hit by arrows. The amount of detail in the fight sequences can be turned up or down along with the other video options in the main menu. A player can also have up to 4800 (huge units option) troops in their army.
1.Rome Total War
The player takes a role equivalent to the head of one the three great Roman houses at the time; the Julii, Brutii, and Scipii. Each of these factions has a set of attributes, initial objectives, and a few initial provinces under control. Control of a province is given to the faction whose army is occupying the province's city. The ultimate goal is to become emperor by conquering 50 provinces, gaining support from the people, before capturing Rome itself. Cities have a variety of buildings which may be built or upgraded, such as: temples, aqueducts and amphitheatres which increase the people's general happiness and wellbeing; markets and academies which respectively increase the city's financial contribution and likelihood of producing effective family members (see below); walls which make the city more resistant to assault by enemy armies; and barracks, archery ranges and stables which unlock new military units which may be trained in the city. The player's empire is expanded by training armies in friendly cities and using them to assault and occupy enemy cities (native mercenary units may also be hired by a family member outside a city). Controlling more cities brings benefits in its increased geographical dominance and increased income from the new population's taxes. However, more space and more population become increasingly difficult to control, due to local populaces being resistant to foreign rule, and the increased distance reinforcements have to travel. If a city's inhabitants are overtaxed, underdeveloped or unprotected, they rebel and become in effect their own faction - the player's control of the city is lost, garrisoned units are forced out of the city, and a hostile rebel army is formed in its place.
When the player's army meets an enemy army, a 3D real-time tactical battle is started, which represents the other half of gameplay in Rome: Total War. The strategic and tactical modes integrate such that the landscape for the battles is the same as seen on that particular spot on the strategic map where the armies meet; for example, if the strategic map is hilly, and covered in snow, the battle map will attempt to reflect that. The game features a variety of units which are used in battle (most of which are unique to each faction), which may be broadly categorised into infantry, cavalry, archers, and artillery units. Each unit has optimal styles of use, opposing units against which it is vulnerable or effective, formation settings, defensive and offensive hit points, and arguably the critical component - morale. If a unit's morale drops too low, it becomes uncontrollable, and its soldiers will attempt to flee from the battlefield.The morale of a unit may be influenced by factors such as its terrain elevation relative to the enemy, proximity to the army's general, command experience of the army's general, soldiers' level of fatigue, intimidation by the enemy army, or level of combat experience. Players may attempt to flank an enemy's units, focus their attacks on the enemy general, conserve energy by walking rather than running their units, or switch their archers to using the slower but more intimidating flaming arrows - all as techniques to gain the morale advantage over the enemy.
Each unit has a certain distance it can travel on the campaign map in one turn, with cavalry able to travel the farthest, and cumbersome artillery pieces having the most limited movement distance. Movement is increased depending on the type of terrain being traversed, the type of roads present, and, at times, the attributes of the commanding general.